The RAW file is NOT your final product

There, I said it.

As someone trying to improve in photography, I have struggled with this topic for quite a while. The truth is, shooting RAW as a beginner can be super underwhelming. 

My initial reaction when I started shooting RAW was to compare how dull the images were in comparison to shooting with my phone. Or even with my first point-and-shoot camera, which had fantastic colors right there on the JPEG.

Getting it right in the camera

Some will say, "you have to get it right in camera", or something along these lines. While I agree with that (to some extent), when it comes to composition, it's a different story when it comes to editing. 

In fact, photo editing has been around since the beginning of photography.

Why should you edit your photos?

There could be multiple reasons to edit your photos, but for the sake of this post, I will stick to one. Artistic choice.

Artistic choice can mean anything. It's up to the photographer to represent the mood and feeling he wants the image to portray. Of course, the editing can either save or ruin your photo, but that's not my point. 


Photo editing is a must-have for any photographer. Don't be afraid to edit your photos. The more you do it, the better you get.

To close this post, here is two RAW/edited image of mine:

Marcos Barbero

I'm a software engineer with a passion for creativity and arts.

Landscape Photography Essential Gear